Rice with chicken and squid - recipe

REDMOND RMC-M45021, RMC-M20, RMC-M10, RMC-M30, RMC-M4502, RMC-P350
Category:  Poultry dishes
The image shows an approximate view of the cooked dish


  • Chicken (breast) - 180 gr
  • Squid - 140 gr
  • Boiled rice) - 120 gr
  • Butter - 30 gr
  • Cream 33% - 170 ml
  • Salt
  • Spice

For 1 batch(es) ()

Rice with chicken and squid Directions

Multicooker firm: REDMOND


Rinse the chicken and squid, cut into 1x5 cm thin strips, put in a multicooker bowl, add butter, salt, spices. Press the "Program selection" button to install the FRYING program. Use the Cooking time button to set 15 minutes. Press the "Start" button , fry, stirring occasionally. Add cream and boiled rice 5 minutes before cooking. Fry, stirring occasionally, until the end of the program.


Rinse the chicken. Cut the chicken and squid into thin strips. Put the chicken and squid in a multicooker bowl, add butter, salt, spices. Set the MULTI COOK program, temperature 120 ° C, cooking time 5 minutes. Press the Start button. Cook, stirring occasionally, until the end of the program. Then add cream, rice and stir. Close the lid. Set the MULTI COOK program, temperature 100 ° C, cooking time 5 minutes. Press the "Start" button , cook until the end of the program.


Rinse the chicken, cut it into thin strips with the squid. Put the chicken and squid in a multicooker bowl, add butter, salt, spices. Close the lid, use the Menu button to set the MULTI-COOK program, set the Temperature button to 120 ° C. Press the Time setting button, then by pressing the Cooking time button set the blinking indicator to 5 minutes. Press the Start button, fry, stirring occasionally, cook until the end of the program. Then add cream, rice and stir. Close the lid, use the Menu button to set the MULTI-COOK program, set the Temperature button to 100 ° C. Press the Time setting button, then by pressing the Cooking time button set the blinking indicator to 5 minutes. Press the Start button, cook until the end of the program.


Rinse chicken and squid, cut into medium strips. Add vegetable oil to the multicooker-pressure cooker bowl, do not close the lid. Set the program FRYER / FRYER , cooking time 20 minutes. Press the Start button. After the countdown begins, lay out the chicken and squid, add butter, salt, spices. Cook with the lid open, stirring occasionally. 5 minutes before the end of cooking, add cream and boiled rice to the bowl. Cook, stirring occasionally, until the end of the program.
the taste and color of the dish will be more intense if saffron is added to it.

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