Baked carp - recipe

Category:  Festive dishes
The image shows an approximate view of the cooked dish


  • Carp (carcass) - 500 gr
  • Tomatoes - 50 gr
  • Leek - 20 gr
  • Dill - 10 gr
  • Parsley - 10 gr
  • Salt
  • Spice

For 1 batch(es) ()

Baked carp Directions

Multicooker firm: REDMOND


Peel the fish from scales and entrails, rinse, rub with salt and spices. Cut the tomatoes into 0.5 cm cubes, chop the onion, chop the greens with a knife. Mix vegetables with herbs. Stuff the carcass with the resulting vegetable mixture, wrap it in a two-layer sheet of foil and press the edges tightly, put it in the multicooker bowl. Close the lid, set the BAKING program with the Program selection button. Press the Start button, cook until the end of the program.
Tip: put the finished fish on lettuce leaves, decorate with soft butter using a pastry syringe.


Peel the fish from scales and entrails, rinse, rub with salt and spices. Cut the tomatoes into 0.5 cm cubes, chop the leeks and herbs with a knife. Mix vegetables with herbs. Stuff the carcass with the resulting vegetable mixture, wrap it in a two-layer sheet of foil, press the edges tightly and put it in the multicooker bowl. Close the lid, use the Program selection button to set the BAKING program, use the Cooking time button to set 1 hour. Press the Start button, cook until the end of the program.
Tip: put the finished fish on lettuce, garnish with olives, olives and a lemon wedge.

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