Drinking milk yogurt - recipe

BRAND 502,37501
Category:  Dairy products
The image shows an approximate view of the cooked dish


  • Milk 2.5% - 1 l
  • Yogurt - 125 gr
  • Sugar - 3 tbs

For 1 batch(es) ()

Drinking milk yogurt Directions

Multicooker firm: BRAND


Combine the ingredients and mix thoroughly with a whisk. Pour into a multicooker bowl and cook on YOGHURT for 6 hours. After the yoghurt is chilled for two hours in the refrigerator. The yogurt is ready. Serve the finished yoghurt with fruit or syrup.


Combine the ingredients and mix thoroughly with a whisk. Pour into a multicooker bowl and cook on NO-BOILED YOGHURT for 6 hours. After the yoghurt is chilled for two hours in the refrigerator. The yogurt is ready. Serve the finished yoghurt with fruit or syrup.

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