Buckwheat porridge - recipe

Category:  Porridge
The image shows an approximate view of the cooked dish


  • Milk 2.5% - 500 ml
  • Buckwheat groats (unground) - 150 gr
  • Butter - 20 gr
  • Sugar
  • Salt

For 1 batch(es) ()

Buckwheat porridge Directions

Multicooker firm: REDMOND


Rinse the groats until clear water, put in a multicooker bowl, pour milk, add butter, salt, sugar and mix. Close the lid, using the "Menu" button install the program "MILK Porridge" , using the "Hour" buttons , "Min" set the cooking time to 15 minutes. Press and hold the "Start" button for a few seconds, cook until the end of the program.
Tip: the taste of porridge will be richer if cooked with baked milk.


Rinse the groats until clear water, put in a multicooker-pressure cooker bowl, pour milk, add butter, salt, sugar and mix thoroughly. Close the lid. Set the MILK porridge program, cooking time 40 minutes. Press the Start button. Cook until the end of the program.
the taste of porridge will be richer if it is cooked in baked milk.

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