Risotto with porcini mushrooms - recipe

Category:  Porridge
The image shows an approximate view of the cooked dish


  • Olive oil - 30 gr
  • Frozen porcini mushrooms - 900 gr
  • Rice "Arborio" - 1 beaker
  • Salt - 15 gr
  • Spices for pilaf - 1 tsp
  • 4 Pepper Mill Mix - 1 pinch
  • Zira (Kumin) - 1 pinch
  • Water - 2.5 beaker

For 1 batch(es) ()

Risotto with porcini mushrooms Directions

Multicooker firm: OURSSON


1. Defrost and wash the mushrooms, chop them coarsely.
2. Pour olive oil into the bottom of a saucepan and add mushrooms, salt and spices.
3. Cook without lid on FRY for 30 minutes until the liquid evaporates.
4. Add rice and water. Stir.
5. Cook with the lid closed on PLOV / Porridge .
6. Open the lid and stir the risotto with the porcini mushrooms.
7. Arrange the risotto with porcini mushrooms in deep bowls and serve.
If you add vegetable or chicken broth to the dish before serving, it will be in accordance with the Italian tradition of preparing risotto.


1. Defrost and wash the mushrooms, chop them coarsely.
2. Pour olive oil into the bottom of a saucepan and add mushrooms, salt and spices.
3. Cook without a lid on BAKE until the liquid evaporates.
4. Add rice and water. Stir.
5. Cook with the lid closed in the "Porridge" mode, the cooking level is soft, the cooking time is 45 minutes, the pressure is
6. Open the lid and stir the risotto with the porcini mushrooms.
7. Place the porcini mushroom risotto in deep bowls and serve.
If you add vegetable or chicken broth to the dish before serving, it will correspond to the Italian traditions of preparing risotto.


1. Defrost and wash the mushrooms, chop them coarsely.
2. Pour olive oil into the bottom of a saucepan and add mushrooms, salt and spices.
3. Cook without lid on HOT until the liquid evaporates.
4. Add rice and water. Stir.
5. Cook with the lid closed in the "PORSE" mode , cooking time - 40 minutes, pressure - 3.
6. After the beep, turn off the multicooker and release the pressure.
7. Open the lid and stir the risotto with the porcini mushrooms.
8. Arrange the risotto in deep bowls and serve.

Adding a vegetable or chicken broth to the dish before serving will be in keeping with the Italian tradition of risotto. < / EM>

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