Tender steamed chicken cutlets with vegetables and mushrooms - recipe

The image shows an approximate view of the cooked dish


  • Chicken fillet - 300 gr
  • White bread - 50 gr
  • Milk - 50 ml
  • Vegetable mix with mushrooms s / m - 500 gr
  • Salt

For 1 batch(es) ()

Tender steamed chicken cutlets with vegetables and mushrooms Directions

Multicooker firm: MOULINEX


1. Prepare minced chicken: Scroll the chicken breast through a meat grinder, add finely diced onion, salt, pepper and bread soaked in milk.
2. Form balls from minced meat - meatballs.
3. Put the meatballs in the steam form, set the mode "STEAMER / SOUP" for 60 minutes.
4. At the same time, put seasonal vegetables on the bottom of the multicooker, adding a little water.
You can use ready-made minced chicken.


1. Prepare minced chicken: Scroll the chicken breast through a meat grinder, add finely diced onion, salt, pepper and bread soaked in milk.
2. Form balls from minced meat - meatballs.
3. Put the meatballs in a steam form, set the mode "STEAMER / SOUP" for 40 minutes.
4. At the same time, put the vegetable mixture on the bottom of the multicooker, adding a little water.
you can use ready-made minced chicken.

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