Yoghurt with dried fruits - recipe

Category:  Dairy products
The image shows an approximate view of the cooked dish


  • Milk 3.2% - 300 ml
  • Cream 20% - 100 ml
  • Yogurt - 100 ml
  • Dried fruits - 50 gr

For 1 batch(es) ()

Yoghurt with dried fruits Directions

Multicooker firm: OURSSON


1. Whisk all the yogurt ingredients in a deep bowl.
2. Place dried fruit pieces in a plastic container CP0600R / TO, fill with milk mixture and close hermetically with a lid.
3. Place the container in the multicooker pan.
4. Close the multicooker and select the YOGHURT mode.
5. After the beep, turn off the multicooker and transfer the container to the refrigerator.
6. Stir the cooled yoghurt, put in bowls or bowls and serve.
When using the CP0200R / TO plastic container, halve the amount of ingredients.

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