Lemon dessert - recipe

Category:  desserts
The image shows an approximate view of the cooked dish


  • Butter - 30 gr
  • Lemon - 2 pcs
  • Powdered sugar - 0.5 glass
  • Egg - 2 pcs
  • Flour - 0.3 glass
  • Milk - 1.25 glass
  • Cream pcs

For 1 batch(es) ()

Lemon dessert Directions

Multicooker firm: MOULINEX


Grease a 16 cm soufflé dish and set aside.
Using an electric or hand mixer, beat the butter with lemon zest and gradually beat in the sugar until a light, fluffy mass is achieved.
Whisk the egg yolks, then add the sifted flour and milk in small portions while stirring constantly. Whisk the egg whites in a separate bowl and combine with butter and lemon juice until smooth. Pour the mixture into the prepared soufflé dish.
Cover with foil, pressing the edges firmly against the side. Cover the foil with a small plate that matches the shape of the dish (this will prevent steam and moisture from getting inside).
Place the coaster in the Minut'Cook and add 1.5 cups of water. Place the dish on a folded tea towel or piece of muslin. Grasp the ends of the fabric, lift the dish and carefully lower it onto the rack. Fold the ends of the fabric over the top of the dish and leave to cook.
close the cover and lock it. Set Minut'Cook to high pressure and cook for 25 minutes. Relieve pressure and remove cover. Use a pair of tongs to pull out the ends of the fabric and spread them to the sides, allowing them to cool slightly.
After a few seconds, grasp the ends of the fabric and gently pull out the dish.
Remove the plate and foil. Serve the pudding hot in bowls. Place a jug of cream next to it.
Note. A surprise in the form of lemon sauce will only work if the pudding is prepared correctly: if you cook it for too long, the sauce will dry out; and if you cook it too little, the top will not be firm enough.

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