Cheese fondue (French recipe) - recipe

MARTA MT-1988, MT-1989, MT-1979, MT-1980, MT-1981
Category:  Fondue
The image shows an approximate view of the cooked dish


  • Hard cheese - 600 gr
  • Dry white wine - 600 ml
  • Garlic - 5 gr
  • Starch - 10 gr
  • Vishnevka - 60 ml

For 1 batch(es) ()

Cheese fondue (French recipe) Directions

Multicooker firm: MARTA


Pour wine into the multicooker bowl, close the lid and start the Milk Porridge program for 20 minutes. At the end of the program, open the lid, add finely chopped cheese, cherries, starch, salt and pepper. Stir until a thick cream and pour into a convenient bowl.


Grate the bowl of the multicooker with garlic from the inside and pour the wine. Start the program "languor" , warm up the wine for 20 minutes. Add finely chopped cheese (you can take a combination of 3 different varieties of 200 g each), diluted starch and, stirring, let them melt in wine to form a thick cream. Then pour in the cherry, salt and pepper. Transfer to a bowl to serve the fondue on the table. When the fondue starts to thicken slightly, dip a two-pronged fork with a slice of not very soft bread into it. Turn the fork several times in the cheese mass so that the bread is covered with it on all sides. Serve with chilled dry white wine.

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